Currently I'm working on my part of the Food Collab hosted by TheBoogley, while I actually should be studying for my exams (we only have 2 months of vacation in Belgium).
When my part for the Food Collab is finished I should probably get going with another project I called "Narcissus Necrosis". It tells the story about Narcissus and Echo in a really trippy way and dark way. I based it on Catoblepas' work, I'm not going to rip him of or something. While tentacles are his thing, I'm going more with an organ themed-flash.
If someone here knows the story of Narcissus and Echo you may be free to post your ideas here! If I'll ever get to using it you'll be creditted.
The story of Narcissus and Echo is a great story. Good luck with your flash.
Gatling (Updated )
I thought that the story of Narcissus reflected the mentality of the Internetculture really good. Sometimes everybody here is so full of themselves that they forget that they're still other people with feelings.